10 People Share Horror Stories They Discovered About Their Friends

We often believe we know our friends inside out—their habits, quirks, and preferences. Yet, one day, our entire perception of them can shatter with the discovery of a dark secret or unexpected aspect of their lives. Today, we’re sharing shocking realizations people had about their friends, forever altering their perceptions.

© Polina Zimmerman / Pexels

  • I found out that my friend’s dad was my teacher’s ex-husband. He had been with her for years, and they had kids, but he never told his new wife or my friend that he had been married and had children before. My friend was even friends with her half-sister without knowing it because they went to dance class together. I have no idea if she ever found out. © Unknown author / Reddit

© cottonbro studio / Pexels

© Ivan Samkov / Pexels

  • I recently found out from a friend that another friend has been spying on their ex for quite some years. They knew all the ex’s passwords (and system for choosing passwords) and have been reading all their emails and checking bank transactions. They have several children together, but this person has been systematically malicious.
    The person doing this has been told to stop, and the other has been advised to change their passwords. © Wheres_that_to / Reddit
  • We worked for a company that was going bankrupt. My friend called me one night and told me that he had been the one who was stealing and had gotten away with, so far, $25,000 worth of merchandise. © Stinky*** / Reddit