14 People Recount Memories That Still Leave a Sour Taste

Even though not all of our memories are happy and some we’d rather forget, they still matter. They help shape our identity, and talking about them can be healing. Today, we’re sharing some true stories that reflect this idea.

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  • My parents gave my younger siblings’ dog to a shelter without telling them and then pretended that it had gotten lost, letting them put up signs and go looking for it. I was beyond furious, and it was one of the reasons I moved out as soon as I could earn enough money to do it.
    The fact that my stepmother did my half-sister’s homework for her didn’t help. © na***onmygoat / Reddit
  • I found my parents’ couples therapy notes in the car, which said my dad didn’t think I was his. © grrrrrrrrrravy / Reddit

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  • When I was eight, I overheard my nanny say during a phone call, “These aren’t my children, just my paycheck.” I remember feeling awful because I thought of her like family. © nosleepy / Reddit
  • I went to the bathroom in a department store. I sat down on the toilet and suddenly had a weird feeling. I bent down to look through a hole in the divider wall and I saw an eyeball staring back. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • I used to sleep in a room right next to my parent’s room, and the air conditioning vent was directly connected to their room. I could constantly hear them discussing how when I came into their life, I completely ruined it. Almost every night for about 5 years, the subject was about me and how horrible I was.
    They don’t know about this, and they still say “I love you” to my face. © Bruser75 / Reddit
  • I overheard my stepdad tell my mum, “It’s either me or the kids.” A week later, my sister and I were put into a children’s home.
    I have never forgiven my mum, and I haven’t seen or spoken to her for nearly 35 years. © sarahsgrove / Reddit

© Alena Darmel / Pexels

  • My aunt is less than 10 years older than me. I believe she was in high school, and I was in like 1st or second grade. We were at an outdoor event, and all of a sudden, an ambulance pulled up.
    I was hanging with my parents, wondering what was going on, and the next thing I know, my aunt runs up to us freaking out. Her boyfriend has a seizure. By the time we get there, he’s on the stretcher, trying to get words out, and I still picture the look on his face. © happydayz395 / Reddit

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