15 People Share Moments They Started to Believe in Ghosts

Today’s stories focus on people who have felt the presence of departed loved ones or encountered eerie and unexplainable events. Whether you believe in these experiences or not, they are sure to provoke unsettling feelings.

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  • When I was around 3 years old, my grandma told me about my dead uncle and even showed me some photos of him. He had passed away 4 years before I was born, but I remember vividly seeing him in the corner of my house, staring at me and gesturing with his hand. I recall telling my grandma about it, and she was terrified. © Nastiunich / Reddit

© Eugenia Remark / Pexels

  • I moved back in with my parents when my dad had cancer. We lost the fight, but we were still there supporting my mom. I was getting ready for work at around 4 am. You turn the light off from the kitchen, then walk past the living room to the front door.
    When I was halfway through the living room, I could feel my dad sitting there in his usual chair, like you know you’re being watched. My hair stood up, and it was a surreal experience. Pitch black though, I said, “Love you, Dad,” and went to work. © Remote_Salad949 / Reddit

© Kampus Production / Pexels