“I Expect Nothing Less from You Clowns”: Don Jr Hilariously Obliterates Woke MSNBC Reporter [WATCH]

Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of the former president and the son who is most involved in his dad’s campaign and political career, absolutely obliterated a reporter from MSNBC who tried to go on the attack against hid dad during the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The funny incident occurred on Monday, July 15.

The incident came when Don Jr., flanked by younger brother and more business-minded Eric Trump, decided to play along with woke MSNBC reporter Jacob Soboroff, but then turned, after seemingly being willing to go along with things and answer a few questions, to sounding off on the woke media when  Soboroff asked him to concede that his father was “a divisive figure.”

At that point, Don Jr. fired back and, instead of going along with Soboroff’s framing of the matter, blamed the media for how people view his dad. He said, “I don’t think he was a divisive figure at all. I think the media created divisiveness around him. They lied about Russia, Russia collusion, they said he was a traitor, they went after him in every which way possible.”

He continued, saying that much of the issue would go away if the media committed itself to being honest rather than attacking his dad no matter what. Trump Jr. said, “If the media actually starts being an honest broker, talking about the things that he did, the prosperity he brought, the peace deals that he signed around the world rather than the disaster we’re living right now, I think you’d do everyone in the country a big favor.”

Soboroff then switched topics, taking a very aggressive stance in attacking the former president’s border defense policies, as if to deliberately antagonize his interview subject by being rude with his question. Soboroff asked, “Will we continue to see policies like separating 5000 children deliberately from their parents?”

Once again firing back, Trump Jr. snapped, “You mean like the Obama administration?” Soboroff claimed then that Don Jr. was the one being inaccurate, saying, “You know they didn’t do that, sir.” To that, Trump Jr. shot back, “Sure.” Not done, Soboroff returned to the supposed “family separation policy” and trying to use it to attack Trump, which led to another rebuke from Don Jr.

Intentionally getting the network’s name wrong to signal his contempt for its fealty to the Democratic Party, Don Jr said that he expected “nothing less” from the “clowns” behind the network’s allegedly biased reporting. He said, arguing that it was in poor taste for Soboroff to be acting in this manner after the assassination attempt on his dad, “It’s MSNDNC so I expect nothing less from you clowns even today. Even 48 hours later, you couldn’t wait, you couldn’t wait with your lies and with your nonsense, so just get out of here.”

Watch the epic rebuke here: