16 Stunning Celebrity Father-Son Age Matches You Have to See

You’d likely find it fascinating to see how sons compare to their famous fathers at the same age. Some of these sons bear an uncanny resemblance to their dads, almost like looking into a time-traveling mirror, while others have only a hint of their parents’ features. Join us as we explore these remarkable resemblances and subtle differences, showcasing how genetics can both preserve and transform familial looks over generations

Sean Penn and Hopper Penn — 26 years old

Jude Law and Rafferty Law — 27 years old

Mel Gibson and Milo Gibson — 33 years old

Prince Charles and Prince William — 37 years old

Ryan Phillippe and Deacon Reese Phillippe — 20 years old

Alain Delon and Alain-Fabien Delon — 25 years old

Robert De Niro and Julian Henry — 27 years old