12 Chilling Stories That Sound Like a Film but Are 100% Real

We often think that chilling and gut-wrenching situations only happen in movies, but real life can bring even more thrilling scenarios than any work of fiction. While some of these creepy events can have closure, many remain unexplained forever, making them all the more astonishing. In this compilation, we share a mix of thrilling and spine-tingling stories that will make your heart beat much faster.

  • I was alone in a taxi at 3 a.m. The driver kept silently making eye contact. When I arrived, I rushed out and into my building, climbing to my 8th-floor flat. Then, I heard footsteps behind me—it was the driver.
    Panicked, I started sprinting up the stairs, but he got closer. I turn, and to my horror, he smiles, a big wide smile. I get even more freaked out, but then I notice something sparkly in his hand. It was my diamond bracelet.
    The driver politely handed it to me, gesturing that he couldn’t speak. He then waved and left the building. I was mortified. Apparently, as I rushed out of the car, my bracelet fell, and the poor guy was running behind me to return it. After this, I learned never to judge people so quickly.
  • I was once changing pants in my room before work and took off my belt. After putting on my other pair of pants, I went to put my belt back on, but the belt was gone. No one else was in the room, and I had simply set it on the floor.
    I looked and looked for it, but it was really gone. Ten years later, I still have no idea where this belt is. © CuteFlowerS_ / Reddit
  • I saw an image in my dream right before I woke up. It was all black with the words “The Fab Four” in white. Later, I went to get a coffee and was looking through a Life Magazine special edition about The Beatles while waiting. I saw the exact same image: a full page, all black, with “The Fab Four” in white. © CarlsbadW***kyShop / Reddit
  • © Pixabay / Pexels
  • © Pixabay / Pexels
  • Very recently, I blew a bubble in my room, and as it was falling to the ground, it jolted in midair and froze for a good second or two. I’ve never seen anything like it, and now I’m convinced I’m in a simulation. © yevrah6 / Reddit
  • When we were all younger, my sister and our stepbrother were playing catch with one of my sister’s stuffed animals. The stuffed animal ended up falling into the crack between her bed and the wall, and when she went to find it, it wasn’t there. Even when we moved, we couldn’t find it. © milkeyana / Reddit
  • Late in the evening, my cousin and I were walking toward a big campfire to join the rest of our family. Suddenly, we both saw a bright flash of light between us. It was like someone turned on a fluorescent tube for a second. The middle of it was reflective, like a mirror. © BillyB***her / Reddit

Disgusting and cringeworthy situations can also give us that eerie feeling of goosebumps. In this article, we’ve compiled a collection of truly nauseating scenarios that are so powerful, they will make your jaws drop.