Another Squad Democrat On Track To Lose Re-Election Campaign

For those Americans tired of the antics of the far-left “Squad” in Congress, the loss of Congressman Jamaal Bowman on Tuesday, June 25, to a somewhat more normal challenger was fun to see, if only for joy in his defeat. Yet more good news could be on the way as Congresswoman Cori Bush of Missouri is trailing her primary challenger.

News on the matter comes from USA Today, which reported that Rep. Bush “may be in trouble,” as a recent poll shows her down by one point in the Democratic primary in her district, Missouri’s 1st Congressional District. While a point is just a point, that is bad news for Rep. Bush as, normally, incumbents are all but impossible to defeat in primaries unless heartily disliked by constituents, signaling that her district is turning on her.

The poll to which USA Today was referring came from a polling outfit called The Mellman Group. Conducted between June 18 and June 22, it found that the 1st District primary challenger to Rep. Bush, St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell, had managed to skyrocket in the pools and overcome “a double-digit deficit in January to lead Bush 43% to 42%.”

That’s not all the bad news for the “Squad” congresswoman. The poll also found that voters think that Bill is much better at his job than Rep. Bush is at hers, as over sixty percent of the poll respondents gave Bill a positive job performance rating, while under half of the same group gave Rep. Bush a favorable job performance rating.

And while Republicans are overjoyed to see Bowman go and Bush on the ropes, more moderate Democrats are as well. Speaking about Bowman’s loss to Politico, one Democratic lawmaker told Politico. “Nobody who cares about them tried to help, tried to stop them, tried to say, ‘Hey, there’s a better way. You don’t need to do this. You can advocate for your position without alienating the vast majority of voters.’” That lawmaker added, “If you’re going to start huge fights as opposed to governing, there are consequences.”

Gloating over Rep. Bowman’s loss on X, The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro wrote, “Jamaal Bowman got his ass kicked because he is a clownish moron who stans for Hamas and doesn’t know how doors work. You can blame AIPAC all you want, but his constituents despised him. Intersectional radicalism is a hell of a drug, and the comedown is brutal.”

Others joked that the video of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, who won her primary handily, awkwardly running on stage and jumping around in a desperate attempt to drum up enthusiasm for Rep. Bowman before the primary was even funnier after he lost despite her embarrassing antics. Watch that cringe-inducing video here:

However, shortly before Rep. Bowman’s loss, AOC reportedly bailed on doing another event with him, as Brianna Wu reported on X, saying, shortly before the primary election, “If you’re wondering how bad Bowman is going to lose tonight, AOC just bailed on an in-person event with him in the Bronx. She’s also not sure if she’s gonna be able to make it to the watch party tonight for returns, lol.”
Featured image credit: By Chad Davis from Minneapolis, United States – U.S. Rep Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush Line 3, CC BY 2.0,