I’m Eating a Burger Next to a Vegetarian Lady on a Flight and She Keeps Complaining About It

This is happening right now, and the lady sitting next to me is glaring daggers at me while making passive-aggressive comments under her breath.

I have an 8-hour flight with a short connection. The 1st flight only served a small cracker pack, and the 2nd will be the same. During the connection, I only had barely enough time to run from one end of the airport to the other.

Once I got to my connecting gate, I found out I had enough time to order food but not eat it. I checked with the gate agent to see if I could bring food on board, and she happily reassured me that I could. I went and got a burger, fries, and a drink.

© ready made / Pexels

  • «A burger and fries is not ’pungent’.» Alternative-Wait3533 / Reddit
  • «Just because she doesn’t approve of eating meat and fried foods doesn’t mean she can dictate what others around her are eating.» Craftychickmary / Reddit
  • «Some people do have an aversion to meat smells. My son does. However, the person who was a vegetarian on the plane should expect this could happen. It is unreasonable to expect everyone else to be vegan or vegetarian.» Top-Letter-548 / Reddit

© Parcerografo / Pexels

© Daniel Frese / Pexels