“The Five” Panel Turns to Chaos when Liberal Co-Host Goes Nuclear

Fox News’ “The Five” found itself with entertainment gold as the host got into another one of the show’s iconic heated arguments on air. Liberal host Jessica Tarlov was seen on the set having a heated debate with her co-hosts as she tried to defend the millions of dollars that Hunter Biden has allegedly made by using his father’s name and influence.

“The Five” was discussing the recent testimony from Devon Archer, a Hunter Biden business associate, when all hell broke loose. “So the testimony, and he wasn’t under oath, but he still wasn’t allowed to lie to them, was terrible for the Republicans,” Tarlov said. “He was asked if someone concluded from the 1023 form, that you all think is so important, that Joe Biden was bribed. ‘Would you disagree with that? Yeah, I would.’ Devin Archer said that.”

This kind of exchange is exactly what has made “The Five” one of the most-watched shows on television. As long as the hosts can remain fiery and ready to snap at a moment’s notice, the show will always be near the top of ratings. Watch the two hosts snap at each other here: