Tim Walz Under Investigation for “Extensive” Connections to China

The House Oversight Committee has recently initiated an investigation into Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, focusing on his alleged “extensive” connections to the Chinese Communist Party. Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray, requesting the agency to provide any documents related to Walz’s academic and business dealings with China.

“It has come to the Committee’s attention that Governor Walz has longstanding connections to entities and officials linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), making him vulnerable to the Party’s elite capture strategy,” wrote Comer. “This strategy aims to co-opt influential figures in elite political, cultural, and academic circles to sway the United States in favor of the communist regime, to the detriment of Americans.”

Comer expressed concerns about the potential influence of the CCP on American politicians. He informed Wray that “the Committee seeks information regarding the Chinese entities and officials Governor Walz has engaged with, as well as any warnings or advice the FBI may have provided to Governor Walz concerning the targeting or recruitment of U.S. political figures by CCP influence operations.”

The Oversight Committee chair also detailed the “problematic” interactions Walz allegedly engaged in. “Despite bipartisan efforts to identify and counter CCP’s unrestricted warfare against America, Governor Walz continues his problematic engagement with concerning entities and individuals,” Comer stated. “In March 2024, he met with Consul General Zhao Jian to discuss ‘China-U.S. relations and sub-national cooperation.'”

Despite these concerns from the GOP, the Harris-Walz campaign defended the Minnesota governor, asserting that he had “stood up” to China. “Throughout his career, Governor Walz has opposed the CCP, championed human rights and democracy, and prioritized American jobs and manufacturing,” said spokesman James Singer. “Vice President Harris and Governor Walz are committed to winning the competition with China and will always defend our values and interests against China’s threats.”

However, Republicans remain skeptical about Walz’s engagements with communist China and the potential security risks. “Anyone who has traveled numerous times to an adversary nation in a personal capacity while having access to classified information presents a clear security risk,” stated Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN). “I am therefore concerned that Governor Walz may have failed to comply with foreign travel reporting requirements during these trips to China, despite his duty as a security clearance holder to protect our national security.”

Brian J. Cavanaugh, a former senior director on the National Security Council under President Trump, commented on the situation, saying, “In the case of Governor Tim Walz’s visits to China while serving in the Army National Guard, the security risks would depend on several factors, including the nature of his interactions, the level of classified information he had access to, and his adherence to reporting requirements.”

“If Governor Walz failed to report foreign travel or address any necessary mitigation measures, the risks of compromising national security are significant, especially given his approach to his time in China,” Cavanaugh added. “These laws and orders mandate the protection of classified information and outline the responsibilities of clearance holders, including the requirement to report foreign contacts and travel that could pose a risk to national security.”